This collection includes tutorials, courses, and apps I’ve created over the years. Some materials may be outdated, so feel free to email me if you spot an error or would like further clarification.
Video recordings of online lectures on Python programming organized in June 2022.
How to fit reinforcement learning models to behavioral data using hierarchical Bayesian inference.
How to fit reinforcement learning models to behavioral data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
Free and interactive course designed to guide you through the basics of Python programming.
An interactive application that demonstrates the differences in reinforcement learning algorithms for dealing with the multi-armed bandit problem.
Preprocessing & Event-related potential (ERP) of EEG data taken from Cavanagh et al. (2019) experiment.
An overview of the differences between Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for the hypothesis testing.
Overview of the power and the effect size of the test and why low p-value is not always enough to make a decision.
Introduction to the inference for a population proportion using binomial test and χ2\chi^2χ2 test for independence.
Calculations behind ROC (Receiver operating characteristic) curve for the binary classification problem.
Basic concept of the NHST and the idea of p-value. Overview of the inference for a population mean using one/two-sample ttt-tests and ANOVA.
Shiny app that demonstrates how binomial distribution can be approximated using the normal distribution.
Overview of how classification and regression trees work behind the scenes using the binary classification example.
An example of applying Bayes' rule in the context of a disease test.
How to get maximum performance of your A/B test when you have any prior information about users.